

Family Decline

Several years ago I was reminiscing about my experience, and lack of proficiency of “reading.” Subjects kept arising concerning the “Classics.” Why do I not have a recall of having every read, or be exposed to the writings? Thus, I called a classmate, a teacher at the time, and asked the question, “Were we ever exposed to the classics. To which, the reply was, No.” The only book I recall being mandatory reading was Brave New World. I do not recall the grade, but have often wondered, why was such a reading mandatory? In a brief explanation, Brave New World, and what it was selling.

“Family and its language are obsolete concepts.”

“There is no stronger bond than family, and family is a major factor in self-identification. And what better way to eliminate family than to make it a dirty word?”

“So, in Brave New World, we see a reversal from what we know today. People are raised to think of the language of sexual promiscuity is normal and expected and accepted, while the language of the family is obscene. This manipulation of the language is just another way that the World State controls citizens and maintains stability” (CliffsNotes).

As in Brave New World, Aldous Huxley illustrates the destruction of the idea of family in this ‘perfect world’. People in the world today have the ability to express love and obtain a family. Huxley explores the futuristic outlook on a world (in many ways similar to ours) that would not allow such humanistic traits (Bartleby Research).

Similarly, The Five Reasons for the Collapse of the Roman Empire by British Historian Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) are of interest:

First: The rapid increase of divorce, with the undermining of the sanctity of the home, which is the basis of society.

(#2-4 of no value in this consideration)

Fifth: The decay of religion; faith fading into mere form, losing touch with life, and becoming impotent to guide it (Gibbon).

Years ago, I came across an article related to the rise and decline of nations:

“British anthropologist John D. Unwin 1835-1936) conducted an in-depth study of eighty civilizations that have come and gone over a period of some four thousand years. He discovered that a common thread ran through all of them. In each instance, they started out with a conservative mind-set with strong moral values and a heavy emphasis on family. Over a period of time, the conservative mind-set became more and more liberal, moral values declined, and the family suffered. In each instance, as the family deteriorated, the civilization itself started to come apart; and in all eighty cases the fall of the Nation was related to the fall of the family. In most cases, that civilization fell within one generation of the fall of the family unit.”

Consider the following as it relates to the past and present:

Planned Parenthood:

Lonely America: More Americans Are Living Alone Than Ever Before Lonely America: More Americans Are Living Alone Than Ever Before (