

Attacking the Family Unit

According to a Washington Examiner headline: “Parents are sounding the alarm on woke education for good reason, draws attention to the course of society.”

Accordingly, the “woke” movement, which does not have the backbone to present their perversions to the fathers and mothers of society, is successfully training the young through the captive audience of children in private and public schools, i.e., “Gender ideology and racial ideology are almost always a package deal in schools, as was evident during the annual ‘Black Lives Matter Week of Action’ in February. Kindergarten and first grade teachers at Centennial Elementary School in Denver, Colorado, sent out a note saying how excited they were to engage in the BLM Week of Action again this year. They also included information about the principles that would guide their instruction with 5-, 6, and 7-year-olds throughout the week, including ‘queer-affirming’ and ‘trans-affirming’ principles. The following language was included in a note from the kindergarten and first grade teams: Queer-affirming means ‘working towards a queer-affirming network where heteronormative thinking no longer exists.’” Heteronormative thinking, i.e., “of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to or between people of the opposite sex” (Merriam-Webster).

To promote the non-binary doctrine: “West Hartford Public Schools in Connecticut, for example, has begun to introduce gender ideology in kindergarten as part of what it calls (social justice lessons). These lessons focus on children’s group identities and are anchored to (mentor texts) that, according to concerned parents, teach 5- and 6-year-olds that their parents and doctor assigned them their sex and might have gotten it wrong.”

These are just some highlights of what can be found in the article. However, here is the kicker that only received a single sentence but carries with it the intent of the WOKE promoters, i.e., “Another principle teachers said they would teach students was a commitment to ‘disrupting the western-prescribed nuclear family structure.’”

Consider the following: Rise and Fall of Nations

“British anthropologist John D. Unwin 1835-1936) conducted an in-depth study of eighty civilizations that have come and gone over a period of some four thousand years. He discovered that a common thread ran through all of them. In each instance, they started out with a conservative mind-set with strong moral values and a heavy emphasis on family. Over a period of time, the conservative mind-set became more and more liberal, moral values declined, and the family suffered. In each instance, as the family deteriorated, the civilization itself started to come apart; and in all eighty cases the fall of the Nation was related to the fall of the family. In most cases, that civilization fell within one generation of the fall of the family unit.”

The WOKE movement seeks “disrupting the western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” “Additional References”


Ross Triplett, Sr.